Many people who are quick to be dazzled and especially women also believe that being genius means having wit. Whatever they seem, women are insensitive to genius; having only sexual ambitions, it does not matter to them by what a man will be distinguished externally from the common men[…]

Beaucoup de gens prompts à s’éblouir et en particulier les femmes croient aussi qu’être génial signifie avoir de l’esprit. Les femmes sont, quoi qu’il y paraisse, insensibles au génie; n’ayant d’ambitions que sexuelles, peu leur importe par quoi un homme se distinguera extérieurement du commun des hommes […]

Otto Weininger, Sexe et Caractère (1903) (Editions l’age d’homme). Trad. D. Renaud. Editions l’age d’homme. Lausanne, 1975, p. 99

Disclaimer : The works of Weininger are to read knowing the terrible destcruction power they supported, after his own death, against Jewish People, and against Women in general. His texts are sources to understand the common roots between antismetism and antifeminism.

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